Investing Principles

The Financial Statements are historical documents that show the organized summaries of detailed information about the financial performance of an accounting Company …

What will you need to start buying and/or selling Stocks? Select an online broker. Stockbrokers could be either discount brokers or full-service …

What is the stock market? The stock market is an assemblage of stock exchanges, retail and institutional investors, stockbrokers, companies and regulators. …

What is a Share? A Share is a financial asset that represents equity ownership of a company. A Share is the smallest …

I have developed “Chatur Framework”, an easy 5 step process to make a good stock investment. Chatur is a Bengali word that …

Just when I started writing this note, I forgot what was I thinking of writing. No wonder why? According to some research, …

Personal Finance


The general election in the democratic political system is a great idea. Every vote has equal weight, so we all have the …